Commercial Capabilities

IPC has a twenty five year track record of winning or negotiating power purchase agreements (PPAs) in both emerging markets and advanced economies.

In the late 1990s, IPC partnered with Samsung of South Korea to supply energy to the world’s largest copper smelter in Karaganda, concluding a PPA of 150 MW. This was the first private sector PPA entered into in Kazakhstan.

In the United States at around the same time, IPC won a PPA of 214 MW in Colorado under a competitive tender arranged by the State of Colorado and overseen by FIRC which was the basis of the 302 MW gas fired Manchief Power Plant.

IPC led power plants have subsequently won competitively tendered PPAs in Argentina, Bangladesh, Ghana, Peru, South Africa and the United Kingdom. Similar negotiations for new or assigned PPAs are currently being led by IPC out of London.

IPC has negotiated MOUs for 500 MW of renewable or low carbon PPAs in the United Kingdom with private sector offtakers which are currently subject to contract.

Similarly, IPC is developing offshore wind capacity based on 1,000 MW of contracts for differences (CfDs). It is also working with BEIS, the UK energy department, for a 300 MW first of kind dispatchable power agreement (DPA) for distributed low carbon balancing power which will generating electricity offshore using gas turbines filled with carbon capture and storage equipment and located on top of stranded gas fields in the North Sea.